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The Interview

Beverly answered her phone with, "Hi, Sabrina, how was your run?"

"How'd you know I was running?"

"You're always running. What's up?"

"I heard you got a new job as a television interviewer, and I figured we'd celebrate with cupcakes. Chocolate for you, right?"

"Yep, of course. Also, Lorraine is here, and she heard you and said she wants vanilla."

"Will do. See you in a few."

When Beverly answered the door, she said to Sabrina, "Don't sit on my new couch. You're all sweaty."

"I only ran a half marathon."

"Chair, please."

"OK, OK. Here are your cupcakes."

"What'd you get for yourself?" asked Lorraine.

"One of the bakery's really great strawberry cupcakes with the little chunks of strawberry in the middle; it came right out of the oven, and it's still warm. And by the way, girls, you can't have any because this sweet little puppy is all mine. So tell me, Bev, what's your new job about?"

"Well, I got my first assignment, and a veteran photojournalist was assigned to me; she gave me some tips for successful questioning. I'll be interviewing a low-income housing developer at the building site. They've already broken ground, and I have my list of questions."

"Oh boy, things can be really tough for a good-looking woman like you at a construction site. You know there are always wolves hanging around, hitting on us ladies. Maybe Lorraine and I can be with you for support," said Sabrina.

"That would be nice, and we can have lunch afterward," said Beverly.

The three friends met the following morning at the bustling construction site. Beverly was professionally dressed, Lorraine casually dressed, and Sabrina in her running shorts and a tank top. Beverly, with her photojournalist, introduced herself to the housing developer, and the interview began. Meanwhile, just outside the site, two fresh young men accosted Lorraine and Sabrina. One of them looked Sabrina up and down and said, "Hey, mama, how'd you like to make me a papa?"

Sabrina answered in a soft and sexy voice, "Yeah, big boy, I'll make you. Come closer, big boy."

As he stepped forward, Sabrina said, "I'll make you all right. I'll make you a eunuch!" as she flicked open a switchblade knife.

He turned and started running, with Sabrina in pursuit.

The race was on.

The second man said, "She'll never catch Bruce. He was a sprinter on our high school track team and ran a really great hundred-yard dash."

"I bet she will," said Lorraine.

"No way," said the young man. "Put your money where your mouth is, honey. I've got two hundred bucks that says Bruce will leave her in the dust."

Lorraine opened her purse, counted her money, and said, "I have only one hundred dollars."

"No problem, I'll give you two-to-one odds."

"OK, but I'll hold the money since Sabrina will win, unless you're afraid of me."

"Here, sweetie," he said as he handed her the cash, "just don't try to rip me off when Bruce wins."

At that moment, Bruce turned the corner, with Sabrina now lagging about twenty-five feet behind. Bruce was still a good sprinter.

As they passed the construction site entrance, Beverly caught a quick glimpse of the commotion and thought, What's going on?

Upon completing their second lap around the block, Sabrina had closed several feet and was now within twenty feet of her adversary. Beverly, still busy with the interview, saw them running and thought it was getting strange.

With the completion of the third lap, Sabrina was within ten feet of Bruce, whose stamina was waning. Simultaneously, Beverly finished her interview and saw Sabrina's knife. Carrying on professionally, Beverly began a summary of her interview outside the construction site, as was previously agreed with her photojournalist.

Beverly's précis was nearly complete when the two foes appeared behind her. She had just finished stating that in addition to building affordable housing, the builder was proud that, to date, no one had been injured on the construction site. Sabrina, now only inches from Bruce, was about to grab him when he stumbled and fell on his face. Beverly turned, saw the carnage, and said, "Looks like I got that disclaimer in just in time."